How to index your site in search engines (Google/Bing/Yandex/Yahoo)

step of adding the site to search engines is an important thing to obtain permanent visits to your website, and not only that, but it is one of the essential steps for every person who wants to have his site appear in search engines and benefit from the features it provides.

In this article, we will take a look at how to index a WordPress site in the famous search engines: Google / Bing / Yandex / Yahoo / Doc Doc Go, but before that we will learn about the benefit of adding the site to search engines. 

Why should you add your site to search engines?

When talking about search engines, there is an important thing that I must mention, which is that 93% of website visits come from search engines, which means that they have great benefit, whether at the level of local or international search engines, and one of the reasons why you should care about indexing your site in search engines. search:

Get regular visits

 Google search engine alone receives 2 trillion searches annually. By adding your site to search engines, this will be an opportunity to take advantage of this huge amount of searches and obtain visits to the website to then convert them into sales or conversions, which will enhance the growth of your business.

Improving your site’s ranking in search results

By adding your site to search engine supervisor tools, you will use a set of tools that enable you to identify the keywords used by visitors to access your website. It also allows you to identify the correctness and error-free indexing process to fix problems before they affect your site’s ranking. It also allows you to Indexing urgent and important topics quickly by requesting content indexing from within search engine supervision tools. 

Get backlinks 

Search engines give you visits on a continuous basis, and in addition to that, they allow you to improve the credibility and reliability of your site among users. If you provide valuable and rich content, you will receive backlinks on an ongoing basis through other sites that consider your site as a reference or source of information. 

Gain more reliability 

If the visitor finds your site in the first results of search engines, this indicates the reliability of your site in terms of content, security, and the like, and it will be much better than visiting a site from one of the advertisements or landing pages, in which case the visitor will be afraid of the site’s security. 

Read also: The best sources for getting permanent visits to your site

Indexing of the site in search engines 

No website owner denies the reality of the usefulness of search engines. Search engines are diverse and numerous, and the method of indexing the site in them is similar, except that each broadcast engine has its own tool. In this article, we will explain the method of indexing the site in a group of search engines, which are: 

  • Google search engine
  • Bing
  • Yahoo and DuckDuckGo
  • Yandex

Now, let us learn how to index the site in each search engine separately: 

But first, make sure that search spiders can access the content of the site, or it can be said that the site must be visible to search engines. To find out about this, you must go to the WordPress control panel, and then click on: Settings > General > Appearance in search engines, and make sure From unchecking ✓ on the option (visibility to search engines)

1- Indexing the site on Google

The search engine (Google) is one of the most important and most widely used search engines, and it accounts for approximately 87% of searches around the world, so it is very important that the first engine you think of is Google. As for the method of indexing the site in Google, it has been explained in an article explaining tools . WordPress webmasters: Through the article The Comprehensive Guide to Using Google Search Console, you will be able to learn about all aspects of webmasters to improve your site’s ranking in search results, including statistics, errors, etc. 

2- Indexing the site in Bing

The Bing search engine can be the second search engine after Google in terms of use, and you can also index your site to the Bing search engine with ease, by heading to Bing Webmaster Tools.

Then create your account and log in. You will find that there are two options to add your site to the Bing search engine webmasters. The first method is by importing the settings from Google Search Console and the second is by adding the site link directly, but we advise you to choose the manual method by writing the name of your site and then pressing ( add ).

After that, you will have to confirm ownership of the site, and there are many options that enable you to do that. We will use the HTML Meta Tag. You must copy it by clicking copy.

After that, go to your WordPress site, where you will need to install the Yoast plugin , then go to the tab for the tool ( SEO ), and then click on (General).

In the top menu, click on Webmaster Tools, and under the Verification Code for Bing option, paste the code you copied earlier. Then scroll down and click Save changes. 

Next, go to Bing Webmasters and click on Verify .

 A window will then appear, informing you that the verification process has been successful and that you have been added to the Bing webmaster list

Then in the next step, is to add the sitemap file to the webmasters. In the WordPress control panel, click on SEO and then on General, and click on the (Features) tab.

 Scroll down until you find the XML sitemaps option. Then click on the question mark icon next to the option and then click on the option (see the XML sitemap)

In order for this page to appear, you must copy its link

Next, head to your webmaster and click on sitemap , and after that click on submit sitemap

Paste the link you copied before and click on submit option at the bottom

Thus, the site will have been indexed in the Bing search engine, and it will appear on the search engine after several hours. I will also provide you with a method to determine whether the site has been indexed or not in the following lines. 


3- Indexing the site in Yahoo and DuckDuckGo 

The Yahoo search engine, although it is not one of the widely used search engines, is the default search engine for the Firefox browser in the United States. It also accounts for 1% of searches conducted globally, and as for DuckDuckGo, it accounts for 0.45% of searches. Yahoo and DuckDuckGo import their results from a range of other search engines from Bing and Yelp.

This means that by archiving the site with the Bing search engine, the content of your site will automatically appear on Yahoo and DuckDuckGo, because they do not have their own information or data, they only rely on the Bing engine as a source of their data. 

4- Indexing the site in Yandex

Yandex is a Russian search engine with a 65% share of Russian searches, and for global searches it accounts for between 0.5% and 1.16%. This means that it will give you the opportunity to enhance the visibility of your site and get some visits. Here is how the site is indexed in Yandex: 

Go to Yandex Webmaster Tool

Log in to your account through your Google, Facebook, or Twitter account

After that, click on the Go option, although in some cases it does not appear

Click on the + icon , then scroll down and enter the website link into the field designated for that. And click Add

In the next step, you will need to prove ownership of your site, by adding a meta tag . All you have to do is copy the code

Then go to the WordPress control panel. And add it in the designated field in the Yoast SEO add-on. Click Save Changes

Then go back to Yandex webmasters and click Check at the bottom

Select why you want to use Yandex Webmaster Tool, and press submit  at the bottom

After successfully completing the process of adding the site to Yandex webmasters, you will find that your username and a set of other information have been added. 

Now, you must add sitemap files , by selecting the Indexing option in the left menu of the screen. Click on Sitemap files

Then add the link to your sitemap file, which looks like this: 


After adding the sitemap file, click Add

With these steps, you will have your site archived in the Yandex search engines

Ensure that your site is properly archived

This method is suitable for all search engines, and here we will use the Google search engine by going to the search engine itself (, then in the search field you must enter

Where represents the link to your site. 

If your site is archived, you will find all the content from the articles and pages of your website. 

In conclusion, this was an explanation of indexing the site in search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, and finally Yandex, and I hope that the explanation has been useful to you. To improve the visibility of your site in search engines, we recommend this article to improve SEO for WordPress sites

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I am a young man who has been working in WordPress and e-marketing for 10 years. I would like to share my experience with you so that we can become professional in WordPress I will be happy to share the experience with you.