The most important services that WordPress website owners need to launch a successful project

Creating and managing a successful WordPress site, regardless of its type or purpose, requires a number of services, whether at the technical level or at the level of content creation and site support. Obtaining these services may cost money or may be free depending on many standards, and these services may also be They are necessary for the site or may not be needed, depending on the type of website you want to create and your need for them.

In this article, we will introduce you to the most important services that you may need as a website owner, and we will also highlight the cases in which obtaining the service is necessary.

The most important services for launching your WordPress website

Services for creating a WordPress website and preparing it technically are necessary for everyone, regardless of the type of website that is to be created, and the goal that one aspires to achieve by relying on it, as these services are the basic services that a website cannot be created without obtaining.

Although this type of service is necessary, obtaining it is not difficult or expensive if you rely on the explanations that we provide on our WordPress site in Arabic, but you can of course hire a person or people to provide you with these services if you do not have enough time, and that is through Purchasing services for WordPress development from the website .

Read also: How to hire a professional freelancer to help you develop your WordPress site

The list of services for creating and technically preparing a WordPress website includes 5 basic services, and the details of these services are listed below:

Web hosting service

 Web hosting is the most important service, as it is in no way possible to create a WordPress site without obtaining it, because hosting is the place where the site’s data is stored and sent to visitors upon request, and therefore no user can access Your website without web hosting, and this service can be purchased from web hosting service providers (hosting companies).

Domain name reservation service

Visitors and potential customers use your domain name to access your website. In addition to the fact that this service is necessary and it is not possible to create a website without it, it provides many benefits to your activity on the Internet if you know how to choose a suitable domain name that is easy to remember and builds a strong image of the site in the mind of the visitor. This service can be obtained from companies that sell domain names, such as namecheap. And godady and

If you do not know how to choose the appropriate domain name for your site, do not choose a random name. Rather, entrust this task to someone who is an expert in choosing domain names through sites for obtaining microservices on the Internet.

WordPress installation service

WordPress is the platform that runs WordPress websites, and although websites can be created by using other content management systems, or by writing code, this is the most common way to create a website, as WordPress powers approximately 40% of all websites. Web on the Internet.

If you want to create a WordPress website, you must install WordPress on web hosting, and there are several ways to do this. Hosting companies usually provide an application or tool in the hosting control panel that enables the system to be installed in a few clicks, but WordPress can of course be installed manually using FTP. If these steps are confusing for you, you can enlist the help of one of the developers on the website to help launch your site .

Template installation and modification services

You will need WordPress template installation services in order to customize your website and display it in the best possible way, as well as make modifications to the template to make it more compatible with your site. You will need to hire a web developer to make the necessary modifications.

Also, instead of installing a free or paid template that many websites use, you can get a custom template for you by requesting the service from a professional template developer. This costs you more money than purchasing a paid theme, but of course it comes with many advantages, the most important of which is that your site will be unique in its appearance, and completely customized according to what you need.

Install the necessary plugins

The WordPress platform alone does not provide everything you could need to create a website and make it successful, and here comes the role of plugins (add-ons). WordPress plugins add one or more functions to your website, or help you manage it better and more easily, and in a way that ensures – with a higher probability – The success of your business on the Internet if used correctly and appropriately. The most important benefits that plugins provide to your site include:

  • Speed ​​up the site.
  • Site security.
  • Create a backup.
  • SEO optimization.
  • Makes it easier to edit pages.

The plugins that you should install on your site depend on many factors, and you may need to use paid plugins, or it may be possible to just use free plugins available in the WordPress plugin store. You will need to install the most important WordPress plugins and configure them for your site.

Content writing and data entry services

Regardless of the field and purpose of your site, you will need to obtain content writing and data entry services, or at least one of them, as most types of websites are useless without textual content, but not all sites need the same type of content except for the content of some pages that share All websites have their own information, such as an “About Us” page and a “Privacy Policy” page. These pages must contain specific information.

The written content also varies according to the purpose of writing it. The article that explains how to purchase a product or service from your site differs greatly from the article through which you market a product in terms of writing style, type of content, and many other aspects. The most important content writing services that your WordPress site may need include:

  • Technical writing: The goal of articles written in this way is to convey ideas and information to the reader in a clear and simple way, and usually requires a writer who specializes in the subject.
  • Writing content for SEO: Articles that are written with high quality and target specific keywords aim to improve the ranking of your site’s pages in search engines (SEO). The writer who specializes in writing this type of article has extensive experience in the field of search engine optimization, and is committed to Strictly adheres to Google’s content guidelines.
  • Copywriting: This type of writing aims to persuade people to take a specific action, such as purchasing a product or service.
  • Guest Posting: This type consists of writing an article related to your site on another site that is concerned with the same field as your site, and referring to the home page of your site or to other pages within it. Hosted blogging is one of the best ways to build backlinks.

It is possible to obtain various content writing services from the relevant sections on sites between microservices, such as content writing services on the Khamsat website .

As for data entry services, it is not necessary that you need them, but they are sometimes an essential service for the site, especially for companies that sell many products and services, as they will have to enter details of different products and services on the site in order to inform potential buyers of the exact specifications of what they will receive when Purchase the product or service.

It is worth noting that there are many data entry services, and they are not limited to entering product data. You may need someone to insert previously written articles on your site. You may need someone who specializes in entering a specific type of data, or anyone may be able to do the job, depending on the data you want to enter. Therefore, you can also obtain data entry services in Khamsat .

Photo and video design services

Images and videos are what grab the visitor’s attention and leave a strong impression on the website. Words and texts are difficult for the human brain to remember, while visual elements are remembered much better.

Therefore, in order to form a more creative and effective communication with visitors, you must use attractive images and videos that contribute to delivering information quickly and easily to the visitor on the various pages of your website.

There are many types of videos and images that can be used on websites, and these types must be used in the appropriate place. If you want to explain how to purchase from your site in a video, it will not be useful to publish this video at the top of the site’s home page.

In order to create images and videos for your website, you will need to hire a specialized professional who has extensive knowledge in using image design and editing programs, and who has a creative sense that makes him able to design beautiful and eye-catching visual elements.

You can view graphic design services , which include image and video design services of various types and for various uses.

Marketing services

The marketing process for your website and attracting potential customers contributes to achieving your goal from the website, whether you rely on profit from advertising, or from selling products and services. The number of visitors to your site can be increased by obtaining many different marketing services, which include, but are not limited to:

  • Search engine optimization in order to increase the site’s ranking and increase the number of times its pages appear in search results.
  • Use hosted blogging by writing articles on other sites and mentioning your site there.
  • Create videos to encourage visitors to your site, publish them on YouTube, and work to increase the possibility of including them on other websites other than your own website.
  • Using Facebook ads to promote the content of your site and the products and services that can be purchased and whose details can be viewed by visiting it.

It is worth noting that it is possible to benefit from various marketing services to increase the number of visitors and profit from the site by requesting the services found in electronic marketing services .

E-commerce services

Like all other digital technologies, the popularity of e-commerce has increased significantly in recent years thanks to the many important benefits it offers to buying customers, as well as the increased profits and numerous facilities it provides to store owners and sellers, which include (for buyers and sellers):

  • The ability to shop without having to leave the house, by visiting the online store, browsing the products in it, purchasing them, requesting them to be shipped, or going to get them when the opportunity allows.
  • Allowing buyers to shop and browse the products available in the store at any time, and sellers getting more profits as a result of selling more products due to increasing the time in which purchases can be made, and facilitating the purchasing process.
  • Providing more options for buyers, and allowing sellers to cover wide areas. If you build an online store, you will be able to sell the products you have to anyone living in your country, or in any part of the world if you so desire.

This is why the WordPress system provides the ability to create an online store and manage it via WooCommerce, but to create and manage your own online store professionally, you will need to obtain e-commerce services that provide you with everything you need in various aspects of your store, starting from developing, improving, and solving its problems, and then adding product details to it. And ending with obtaining advice related to e-commerce.

The ideal place to obtain such services is freelancing websites, as dozens of mini-services are available in this field within the sections of e-commerce and e – store development in Khamsat, and if you do not find what you are looking for there, you can create a project with all the required details and publish it on an independent website . .

Translation services

If you want to target an audience whose members do not understand the same language, you must translate your site into all the languages ​​that your audience understands, and for this you may need translation services in order to translate the various pages of the site. WordPress websites can be translated using free and paid translation plugins, which provide the ability to translate the site automatically or manually.

If you are not proficient in the language or languages ​​you want to translate your site into, and you do not want it translated automatically, then you will need a translator who is proficient in the primary language of your site, and the language you want to translate into, in order to provide a professional translation to your audience.

Of course, you can find a translator in the designated sections of freelance sites on the Internet, such as translation services . Just make sure that the person you choose has high-quality previous translation work.

Support and improvement services

The support services that provide WordPress site owners with the ability to improve various aspects of their sites, in addition to solving the problems they face, are among the important services that everyone needs, as striving to continuously improve the site is required to maintain its success, and technical problems in WordPress occur with… All due to installation of plugins, themes, or some other reason.

Support and improvement services that your WordPress site may need can include:

  • Increase your site’s security level to protect it from hackers and malware.
  • Update the system, templates and plugins in a way that prevents problems.
  • Improve your site’s speed and performance.
  • Analyze your site based on statistics, develop a strategy to increase the number of visitors, etc.

To obtain any support and improvement service, you will need people who are experts in WordPress, and perhaps experts in a specific field of it. If you encounter a problem with the security of your site, it would be better to seek help from an expert in WordPress security, and if you want to improve the speed of your site, you must obtain the service. Who specializes in speeding up websites, and so on.

Assistance services in managing a WordPress website

If you do not have enough time to manage your WordPress site due to the multiplicity of tasks that you must perform, you can seek help from people who provide assistance services in the virtual assistant section on Khamsat, in order to respond to comments and messages, answer questions from customers or visitors, and help them in carrying out tasks. In addition to managing the site’s pages on social media, or even organizing the work teams on your site, and ensuring that they perform what is required of them to the fullest extent.

In the beginning, assistance services may not be required, as the work of one person may be sufficient to maintain the continuity and success of the site at a lower cost, but as the website grows and the tasks required increase, obtaining these services becomes necessary if you do not want your site to fail or decline.

Of course, you are the one who decides when you need assistance services in managing the site, as you may feel the lack of time and the inability to carry out all the tasks required of you, whether within the framework of site management or within the framework of your daily life.

In conclusion, we would like to point out that there are many other services that WordPress website owners may need, due to the system’s many capabilities and its versatility, in addition to the many requirements for creating and managing a successful website.

We also want to draw your attention to the fact that it is not necessary that you need to hire someone to implement each of these services, as you may be able to provide them yourself, but at the same time you may need to appoint more than one person to implement one service, and whatever you need of it. You will find people offering services on freelancing sites on the Internet, so search through them and choose what contributes to the growth of your site and the achievement of your goal

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I am a young man who has been working in WordPress and e-marketing for 10 years. I would like to share my experience with you so that we can become professional in WordPress I will be happy to share the experience with you.